Posted on June 1, 2013October 19, 2018 by merindab_chslet Aww yes baby bunnies so adorable Omgosh this one’s eating flowers guys and look at it’s ears So teeeeeny and just dem floppy ears looK AT IT”S NOOOOSE and it’s teeny EARS and just UGHSLKDJF so adorable NOPE DONE that is babby bunny tummy I have lost the ability to can oh my GAWWWWD it ahs a stuffed animal friend if you don’t think that is the cutest shit don’t talk to me aawkjdflkj they’re cuDDLINNNNGG oh my god it’s TINYYYY and look at it’s tiny wHISKERS and I am just aaaah buNNY KISSES LOOK AT THEIR LITTLE EARS yes goodbye I hope you enjoyed the bunnies rebel-in-overalls: Because everyone needs more baby bunnies in their lives. Also, I spent time on the captions, you should look at them. *dies of cute*