
Brave heart, Tegan!

created by EmilyStephi, and Francesca and Julie
We decided we wanted a network where popularity and follower counts don’t matter. They won’t affect it at all.

How do I get in?

  • reblog this post once!
  • no likes please! (they do not count)
  • you do not have to be following us.
  • must be a fandom blog (not necessarily Doctor Who)
  • Your popularity and follow count will not affect if you get it.

What are you looking for?

  • quality posts
  • quality theme and url
  • niceness!
  • we’ll be looking through your ask tag, so if you label them as anything other than “ask" or “answered" please shoot one of us any ask! (or if you don’t label them as anything!)

What would we do?

  • we make really cool friends
  • we give advice on graphics, themes, icons, urls, ect.
  • promos!
  • discuss fandom stuff

What happens if we are chosen?

  • One of us will send you an ask informing you!
  • Give us the email to your blog.
  • we will add you to the blog
  • We will each give you a promo and a follow!

In one week, we will go through the blogs and add 5-10 people to the network.

May the odds be ever in your favor, brave hearts!

I don’t generally tag my asks though

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