#dean winchester is a geek #and #dean winchester is a genius #and I mourn sometimes for young dean #the one who started school late#who switched schools so much that he fell behind #the one whose dad never helped him in school #or encouraged him to have interest in academics #or in science #who probably looked at the EMF meter and said #’well I guess that’ll save money on buying one’ #the dad who spent Dean’s college fund on ammunition#and teachers probably looked at his school record #all the transfers #all the school fights from protecting Sammy and over bullies and girls and that time there was a monster at school #and judged him without even looking further #and maybe had him in remedial classes #and so he stopped trying #stopped thinking he had any right to be smart #he didn’t have time anyway #not with helping Sammy with his homework #and practicing weapons #and hunting #so somewhere along the line he just stopped trying #stopped caring #and he never had a teacher who noticed #never had one that challenged him on his bullshit #told him what he was capable of #and to this day Dean thinks he’s a grunt #thinks Sammy is the smart one