For this challenge, we wanted to combine the intent of challenge 1 (having multiple stories with a similar trope) with the openness of the other challenges. So without further ado…..Challenge 5: Choosing from the minor characters of Sherlock (this means any character other than Sherlock or John), place two or more in one of the following prompts:
1.) Pretending to be a couple2.) Trapped somewhere waiting for rescue3.) Detectives in their own rightThe fic should focus primarily on the secondary characters from the show, though if you wish to have Sherlock or John make a cameo appearance, you may. This also means that the secondary characters you have chosen should be characters that have been on the show.As before, there are very few restrictions on what you can submit for this challenge, but here are some Guidelines:
1. Fics can be of any style, genre, or rating. Any pairing is welcome; no pairing at all is also totally fine.
2. In order to be considered part of the collection of this challenge, your fic should be posted by midnight (your timezone) on October 11th.
3. Post your fic wherever you like, and then make a post to your own Tumblr blog with the following information. If you do not have a Tumblr account, send us an ask with the information below and we will create a post for you. Please use the submission form below when making your post on tumblr:
Rating: (G, T, M, E— please use the rating for the entire work, not just the first chapter)
Pairing: (if any)
Genre: (romance, alternate universe, retirement, parentlock, etc.)
Warnings: (for any potentially triggery content; if none, just put “none”)
Author notes: (optional)
Links: (if you post your fic in multiple places, feel free to add multiple links)Then tag your post with “letswritesherlock”, “challenge 5”, and your author name, and post it to your own blog. We will track the letswritesherlock tag and will queue your posts to reblog here. Remember, you must tag it with “letswritesherlock” within the first five tags or it will not show up in the tracked tag.
4. If you prefer, you can post your fic to your Tumblr under a Read More cut. (PLEASE put all of the text of the fic under a read more.)
5. If you post your fic to AO3, you can also add it to the collection especially for this challenge. The collection can be found here. When you post your fic, in the space next to “Post to collections/challenges”, type in “Challenge05” and wait a moment for our challenge to be found (which will say “Let’s Write Sherlock: Challenge 5”). If you have already posted your fic, click “edit” on the fic on your dashboard and then scroll down to change this setting.
6. Be creative! Have fun! And feel free to submit as many fics as you like. The more, the merrier! Go crazy with your prompt ideas! Also, please read and comment on the fics of other participants. We all love getting kudos and comments, so please be generous with your fandom love.
7. Still have questions? Please ASK!
[Graphic made by Moonblossom]
Hmm… I bet I can come up with a plot for this one.