This is for i-carry-yourhearts-withme

10. Why do you ship your ship?

I ship several. Let’s go with Janto. I ship jack and Ianto because they are good together, and I think they do need each other. I think Ianto helps ground Jack and Jack helps Ianto remember that he is special and he does have purpose (after Lisa).

11. Who is your favorite actor? Why?
Um….this is actually hard. But I think I gotta go with John Barrowman. He’s a hard working and passionate guy, I’ve liked him in everything I’ve seen him in, and he seems genuinely nice to his fans.

16. What is something you would like to do, but are scared to try?

Honestly? I’ve always half wanted to try bungee jumping, but there’s no way on God’s green Earth that is going to happen.

18. Do you have vivid dreams? Describe one?

I do. One of my favorites that I can remember I was like, a space captain or pirate or something and I felt weightless. It was pretty amazing.

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