
With BBC Sherlock’s Series 3 just around the corner, Let’s Draw Sherlock and Let’s Write Sherlock are teaming up to help the fandom welcome our long-awaited new canon with a bang!

A traditional Big Bang is a fanworks fest where artists and authors are paired up to create multimedia works over a long period of time. Since we only have a few months to go before series 3 airs (*fingers crossed*), we’re going to scale it back a bit. Hence, Mini-Bang! In addition, we’re expanding the concept from just fic + art to include all the different and amazing kinds of fanworks out there.

Here’s how it will work: participants will sign up individually for the challenge and will be paired according to interests (which they will list in their signup). The goal of the challenge will be for each pair to collaborate on a multimedia fanwork for the given challenge. This could consist of a fic with accompanying art, or it could be a collaborative comic, or a fanvid with an accompanying fic, or a cosplay gifset that tells a story, or a puppet show — the options are wide open!

Here is the challenge: One thing we know for certain will happen in series 3 is that Sherlock will return and reveal that he is very much alive. Choose a character (or several, if you like) from the BBC Sherlock series and depict them learning about and reacting to this news. This can include characters who may have known he was alive all along, or characters who have died/left the show. In other words, there is flexibility here to work with nearly any character (or pairing) you wish!

Finished projects can be posted anytime after December 1 up until the day and hour that series 3 first airs anywhere in the world. Projects can be posted anywhere you like; each pair will submit a post to this Tumblr to announce that their project is ready.

October 15-25: Participant sign-ups via google forms.
October 25-30: Mods will match up participants.
October 31: Announcement of participant pairs.
October 31 – November 30: Pairs work together to complete their projects.
December 1 – Series 3 airs: Begin posting completed projects as they’re finished.

Rules and Details:

  1. This fest is open to any creator of fanworks. This can include, but is definitely not limited to: fic, art, podfic, filk, original music, vids, cosplay, crafting, poetry, fabric arts, gifsets, puppetry, photography, photomanips… and whatever else you can think of!

  2. We will assign you a partner for this project based on the information you submit in your sign-up form. (Link below.) Please give us as much detail as you think is necessary. Part of the challenge and fun is to work with someone new, but we want to match you up with someone whose interests and strengths match and complement yours.

  3. Ideally, each pair will have two participants whose strengths are in different areas, (e.g.  a text-based participant and a media/visual-based participant). Our goal is pair people with strengths in different areas to collaborate on something new and to perhaps create new kinds of collaborative fanworks in the process.

  4. For the purposes of this fest, old works may not be repurposed or remixed. The idea is to create something new!

  5. Projects can be of any rating, pairing, genre, length, or format, as long as they meet the conditions of the challenge. (See our examples page HERE.)

  6. You may include spoilers for series 3 in your project if you wish, but be sure to clearly mark that your work contains spoilers.

  7. Starting December 1, teams can post their projects anywhere they like (AO3, FFN, YouTube, DA, Tumblr, LJ, Ravelry, etc.). Proper credit should be given to both participants, and a link to the SherlockMiniBang Tumblr should be included wherever parts of the project are posted.

  8. One of the participants should create a post and submit it to the SherlockMiniBang Tumblr. Use the template and form provided HERE.

  9. For the purposes of this project, we would like works to be set within the BBC Sherlock universe. (No AUs, please.) However, you may resurrect characters (like Moriarty), bring back characters who have otherwise left the show (Irene Adler), or insert other ACD canon characters who have yet to appear on the show (Sebastian Moran, Victor Trevor, Mary Morstan).  

  10. Projects should be completed before submitting a post to SherlockMiniBang. Incomplete projects or works-in-progress will not be accepted for posting.

Questions? Check our FAQ, and if your question isn’t answered there, please ASK.

Ready to sign up? The sign-up form is HERE.

Please reblog and spread the word!

(Art by Katzensprotte)

I am signing up right the heck now

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