

December Challenge: Gift giving!

(example art by katzensprotte)

~Ends December 31st~

In the spirit of the holidays, the challenge theme this month is gift giving! Choose a character in Sherlock (any version, BBC, RDJ, etc) and give them a gift! The gift could be from another character(s), or from you, or whatever you can imagine. You can draw them unwrapping it, discovering it, deducing it, rejecting it. It could be given for any holiday you choose, or any reason, not just Christmas. The gift could even be given out of spite rather than love @-@ Let’s just see some giving spirit!

BONUS CHALLENGE: Make your piece a gift for someone! Draw something that you know someone else likes and dedicate it to them~ This isn’t required; we just thought it might be fun :))

BONUS BONUS if you want to make one of those anime girlfriend style posts where you bring up a screencap of the character on your laptop and present their gift to the screen like they are a real person then we will accept that as a 3rd entry. Sorry followers but those are hilarious and I hope we get a lot of them ಠ_ಠ

Before starting on your piece, please read the full guidelines under the read more.

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New LDS for December!!

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