But I am afraid we must face the likelihood that he [Shakespeare] wrote bawdy, not because the audience insisted on it, nor his fellow actors, nor even the aristocratic followers of his work, but just because it amused him.
John Berryman (via howtotalktogirlsdialectically)
#…yeah this is new? #spoiler alert #shakespeare was dating a hot blond dude and the owner of a brothel #his bff got killed in a spy rendezvous/bar fight combination #he himself died by choking on fish after partying too hard #like #shakespeare liked dick jokes #(and probably also dick) #your attempts to attach modern standards of ‘classiness’ to him are wrong #(and also gross as hell bc he LITERALLY DIDN’T HAVE CLASS #HE WAS A GLOVEMAKER’S SON #IT WAS AWESOME) #shouts ‘stop trying to appropriate shakespeare for the rich academic elite’ into the void #i never writ; nor no man ever loved @swanjolras
(via festeringfae)
Someone finally articulated what I couldn’t
(via rinwolfy)
#it both amuses me to no end and pisses me the hell off #that there’s still this ever pervasive fucking myth #that good art can only come from some kind of prestigious wealthy or academic background #no #and that’s why art is wonderful #it mocks those stereotypes #you can posture all you want #but talent doesn’t care #and you can’t fucking buy it
(via tchy)
“I am afraid we must face the likelihood” oh I bet you’re afraid
be afraid of shakespeare’s infinite sex puns
(via jcatgrl)