I remember as a young actor being treated contemptuously by people I hoped would be great. And I thought, You’ve got this amazing life, you’ve probably got everything you want, why are you behaving like a cock? I knew that if I ever found myself in that position, I’d remember to treat people with equanimity and kindness.

Tom Hiddleston (via wmilam)

Actors meeting their characters

John: good evening, you alright?
Martin: what the fuck

Benedict: oh my gosh hi, I am so sorry are you okay? can I get you anything?
Sherlock: liar

Derek: stiles is such a dumbass omg
Tyler: smh shut up u love him

Stiles: aaayyyyyy
Dylan: aayyyyy lmao

Dean: I secretly love castiel
Jensen: I openly love misha

Castiel: I am castiel, angel of the lord
Misha: lmao yeah okay did u see this video of me cooking with my son

Captain Jack: I like dick
John: I like dick

Matt: Its crazy how we finish eachothers-
Doctor: saNDWICHES

Jared:What’s that on your shirt?
Sam (bitch face activates): Nice try. Dean’s been doing that 10 times a day since I was 5.