Rupert Graves, Just Seventeen magazine (UK), 26 November 1986
My (very rare, ebay-booty) magazine, my spanking new scan, my crop – and enough Photoshop work to give Rupert a full head of hair in place of some very assertive Eighties typography.
• So many of you need cheering up this weekend. (OK, every weekend.)
• Did someone mention young Rupert Graves?
More personal reasons:
• Rupert here is like a lovely but skankier cousin of my new icon.
• It looks like they got him to pose with oars. At the Maurice boathouse?? Please let it be true.
I love this photo so much. Enjoy.
Scan/Photoshop magic/etc by exponential63. So please reblog, not repost, and do not remove these credits. Thank you.
Lovely! Thank you so much for sharing!