I wrote iamianto some birthday porn. She wanted Greg Lestrade/Jack Harkness.
The American and the Cop – Greg Lestrade picks up Jack Harkness at a bar, and gets more then he bargained for.
teaser below the cut
Greg watched the handsome American in an old-fashioned military coat flirt mercilessly with the bartender. He’d been watching him since he’d walked into the pub. If he didn’t step in soon, he’d be taking the bartender home. Walking over he leaned on the bar. “Hello there.”
The man turned brilliant blue eyes towards him and looked him up and down, grinning easily. “Captain Jack Harkness, and who are you?”
“Greg Lestrade.” He took Jack’s hand, finding it warm and inviting. The bartender had moved off, leaving them alone.
“Nice to meet you, Greg Lestrade.” Jack had a smile he could get lost in. Greg found himself still holding Jack’s hand.
“Unless you’re dead set on the bartender, you could come back to my place.”
Jack glanced over at her. She gave him a nod towards Greg. “Naw, I think I’m going to go off with you,” he smiled.
“My flat’s pretty close.” He led him out of the pub. They hadn’t gotten very far before Greg was drawing him into an alley and pushing him up against the wall for a heated kiss.
Jack hooked his fingers in his belt loops. “Eager.”
“You smell nice,” explained Greg, leaning in to nibble his neck, wanting to taste him. He pulled away and stepped back. “Come on, just a little further.”