Here, I wrote you terrible poetry, though I hope it is not as bad as our dear, beloved William The Bloody (awful poet) wrote:
I love you in the evening and early in the morn,
whether you are posting crafts or your delicious porn.
Victorian or modern your writing is sublime
and your jewelry is delightful! I would wear it any time.
Though I haven’t tried them yet, dear, I am sure your floggers sting.
In short you are amazing when blogging anything.
I look forward to your posts, dear, as they arrive upon my dash
And if someone doesn’t like it,
Then they can kiss my ass.
P.S. I know that dash and ass don’t rhyme, but they are close enough. Emily Dickinson used false rhymes all the time. That makes it ok, right?
P.P.S. I tried to work in effulgent but it just didn’t happen.
Proof positive that my friends are amazing.