everything-feels-very-weird replied to your post: Okay, but a The Princess Bride/Sherloc…
oh gosh sherlock as buttercup and john as westley and john goes and joins the army to “get a fortune” so they can marry and then he goes MIA and idk either moriarty or irene are humperdink, the cabby…
BUT BUT BUT Sherlock has to be Westley because he returns from the dead (and he looks good in black) after Johncup has moved on, about to marry Marydink who has a history of killing people (sorry but), Irene tries to out fence him, Lestrade tries to punch him out, and Jefferson Hope tries to outwit him with the poisoned pills, then Moriarty “Six Fingers” throws him in a dungeon. Magnussen boos Johncup in the marketplace. BOOOO he says to the king of garbage! The king of putrescence! BOOOOO!!
And as you say, Molly and Mrs. Hudson concoct a Miracle Herbal Soother Pill (covered in chocolate, makes it go down better).
Anderson is the mawwiage pwiest.
Mostly reblogging as part of my quest to gleefully poke antietamfalls about this subject forever more until we see the fic one day, ahaha. But. I mean, I love Westley!lock, but John!cup is a tougher sell, because… Buttercup has such a passive princess fate, doesn’t she? Like, she doesn’t methodically look for Westley or anything, she just accidentally runs into him (and then loses him again!). Also, forced marriage, Westley and Inigo Montoya do all the cool fights, and Buttercup’s sulky-cat personality actually reminds me of Sherlock (haha).
…So I can’t believe I’m saying this, but what about Westley/Inigo?? haha.
This fic is indeed happening, by request of hedgehogandotter, with Westley!Sherlock and Buttercup!John. I hear your complaints about passive Buttercup, mild-lunacy, and that will be fixed.
I am *so excited* about this! And don’t worry mild-lunacy — if anyone can make a BAMFy Buttercup!John, it’s antietamfalls!
If someone could please point me in the direction of this fic when it gets posted, I’d be much obliged.
I liked the book version of Buttercup much better than the movie, she was more realistic and had more agency, motivations and personality. Book!Buttercup could totally be John-like. Can’t wait to read this btw
I like book!Buttercup a lot more, too. I love her and Wesley’s relationship more in the book, as well. Especially when she thinks a syllable is a syllabub and Wesley doesn’t correct her and just rolls with it. uwu
*bows down* All hail antietamfalls!