Your Friday May have been good, but was it ‘l just met the man I’ve been in love with since I was like eight years old’ good? Because mine was!
He winked at me, thanked me for dressing up, shared his M&Ms and Sun Chips with me, said he hopes he’ll see me dressed as Spike at a con someday because I’d have been a good Spike, talked with me about his band, laughed and cheered when I said I only had pictures of him and Elvis on my wall when I was young, and at the end of it all gave me THE biggest hug I’ve ever had. It was amazing!
I met a fantastic new friend, merindab, while in line also. She’s the one who snuck the first nine photos for me, and who actually paid for me to get the official final one with him just to make my day. It was so amazing, and I still can’t believe it!
So glad I could help, in any small way James was super awesome.