so here is John and Carole, the first part of their panel. The video is playing from about 11 in when they’re talking about supernatural (for my superwood friends he literally sings and dances about misha). At 14 he gets asked a REALLY stupid question that actually makes John rant, and it’s kinda intense. The whole thing is pretty good though.
Not my vid
Erm, okay so bring on the flames but I really don’t think the question was that stupid. I get what John was saying. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been told multiple times I don’t exist (among other things, but that one sucks the most lol). I get the defensiveness. But I really think John jumped the gun a little bit. Admittedly, I wasn’t there. However I think what the asker was saying was about…they really were making his sexuality a big deal in Miracle Day. And not to say that they should downplay the fact that Captain Jack has sex with other men (or anything else with sexual organs :p) but suddenly there were gay jokes, and there was conflict, and it was very in your face. And no, that’s not a bad thing, but it was confusing coming from ‘Jack is very omnisexual and THAT’S NOT A BIG DEAL!” That’s the issue. At least that’s what I got out of that question. Not that John doesn’t have the right to get defensive, particularly when it’s being formed as a criticism to a work that’s obviously very close to his heart, but I feel like if he had actually listened and gotten clarification maybe he wouldn’t have gotten quite so pissed.
I think it’s true that the question might have come out differently than it appears if John had waited and clarified what the guy was talking about (although seriously, that guy might have saved himself some grief just by editing, because the way he segued in was enough to put me on the defensive). I understand that the questioner might have even muddled what he meant, due to nerves. I’m not inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt because of how he seemed to argue with John, and that ‘necessary for American audiences’ line threw all my sympathy out the window. But it is true that because John had already taken the defensive, and cut the guy off, it may have been a different question entirely, and we won’t ever know.
If his question had been about the topic you’ve extrapolated from the video, I’d want to know too. The amount of ribbing Jack’s sexuality got in Miracle Day was larger than other seasons of Torchwood and much more heavy-handed. I liked Rex’s core character but his tasteless dialog was beyond the pale.