Iver Heath, Buckinghamshire, 1985. The film set of Aliens. A strange blue box appears amidst the props, followed by a horrendous series of injuries and disappearances amidst the cast.
Through the course of events, a man calling himself the Doctor comes to the rescue. With the help of his new friend Sigourney Weaver, whom he met on set, the Doctor sets things right again, but at the cost of his own life.
As he lays amidst the facehugger egg props, eyes fluttering, his skin begins to glow. A blinding burst of golden light obscures his figure, and when it fades, a dark-skinned woman, Indian in appearance, lays in his place.
Introducing The Xth Doctor!
Made in the eighties, the Xth Doctor loves bright colors, day-glo patterns, and arcade games. She sports a pair of Reebok Alien Stompers, a nifty Sonic reminiscent of her tenth incarnation’s, and a snarky attitude.
She also popped by 2013 at some point to pick up a Nintendo 3DS, which according to her is “the greatest hand-held entertainment device ever created.” She later modified it to act as a sort of Pokedex for all the various creatures and species she encountered, to save her time explaining to her various companions.
Coming Soon: A look at the Xth Doctor’s TARDIS!
Our first Legacy of Rassilon Doctor is revealed! 8D I had so much fun designing her, and look forward to doing more awesome stuff with her in the future.
For anyone who loves the legacy of Doctor Who and who has big dreams about what it could extend to in the future, I insist that you check out my fiance’s new project, where he and his friend cyborgnecromancer are extending the limits of the universe and imagining just a taste of what might be yet to come.
And if you happen to be an artist who might be interested in contributing at some point? Well, that’s cool too. c: