steve leaving post-its on bucky’s arm with little notes and messages and bucky thinks it’s fucking adorable.
“You’re safe here”
“Remember to eat”
“Your name is Bucky”
“Your plate is in the oven”
“Get some sleep”
“It’s July, 2014”
“I’ll call at noon”
“It wasn’t your fault”
“[cute little doodle]”
Then Bucky starts leaving post-it-notes on Steve’s shield
“thanks your name is steve”
“look at the size of this fucking frisbee”
“I couldn’t sleep so I put this on your shield”
“why does no one think to just shoot your legs when you hide behind this”
“why did I not think to just shoot your legs”
“just kidding”
“buy more chicken nuggets”
“[the cute little doodle Steve left on his arm, now with sunglasses]”