I had a weird, kinda funny dream this morning. About John Barrowman and his husband and me. And completely g rated. With bonus rules about the American highway numbering system.
I was walking around somewhere and ran into John. I recognized him and we started just chatting. Eventually he said he could use someone who could show them around the city and would I like the job.
Of course I say yes. We go back to the hotel room and John fed me fried chicken while we decided what they wanted to see.
Right about then Scott came in and we talked a bit about plans and then he took out a map cause they were going to Tuscon next and he mentioned how expensive tolls were through Oklahoma. So I said we take highway 69 to avoid the tolls.
He kinda went “No.” And looked at John.
And I was like. “I know what he’ll say, but it’s really the name of the highway.” And I showed him and told him the rules of American highways:
Even highways go east-west. Like 66 or 44
Odd highways are north-south. Like 5 or 35
Three digits that start with 2 are a loop around the city. Like 270.
Three digits that starts with 3 are a spur off a highway. Like 364.
And then I woke up.