To celebrate passing 2000 followers, here is a list of some of the people who have lit up my dash and made my time on Tumblr a fun one. There are artists, writers, gif makers, graphic makers, fic reccers and just generally amazing people. Go and check out all of these lovely blogs if you aren’t following them already.
A Aiwa-sensei // Archiaart // Atlinmerrick //
B Barachiki // Begitalarcos // Bendingsignpost //
C Capt-john-h-watson-md // Cclbaldwin // Constantlyfreemaned // Cumber-porn //
D Dramatisecho // Dvancecinco //
F Floccinaucinihilipilificationa // Flyingrotten // Fuckoff-imacting //
H Hectordixon //
I Inchells // Indyfalcon //
J Johix // Johnlockedness // Johnstached //
K Kami1 //
L Loudest-subtext-in-television //
M Marikaart // Martinfreefan // Martinthehunkyhobbit // Merindab // Mrs—mob // Mycroftknowsbetter // Mylittlecornerofsherlock //
P Painlock // Prettyarbitrary //
R Radiorcrist // Reapersun // Rednavi //
S Sh2jw // Sherlockspeare // Sherlockstuff //
T Taikova // Thescienceofjohnlock // Traumachu //
V Valeria2067 //
W Watsonsdick // Wearitcounts //
And of course, a massive thank you to the 2000+ followers who have been kind, encouraging, inspirational and helped me to find a place in a friendly community of like minded individuals. You guys rock.