SuperWho Ficlet “Contingencies” (Castiel vs. The Master, PG-13)


Title: Contingencies

Rating: Strong PG-13 for blood, gore, and character death.

Summary: If you’ve tangled with enough supervillains, after a while you just stop being a hero about it. The Master tortured Jack. Castiel isn’t exacting justice. He’s after vengeance, he’s cold, and he knows his quarry.

I only sorta blame merindab for this. She sent the headcanon ask, but it’s not like I haven’t been considering this moment for a long, long time.

The Master had a (heh) master plan, of course. Not that he anticipated coming back, given the sweetness of his last triumph. But a man had to have contingencies, and counter contingencies, and contingencies for the contingencies, and… all right, yes, maybe he just rather liked saying the word ‘contingency.’ It made one feel professional.

He’d been watching the Doctor. Waiting. Setting the first wavelets of a plan in motion with his usual ruthless patience. It would be amazing. He’d collect an utter chorale of humans killed in the Doctor’s wake, let him witness their death rattles all over again and at the height of the suffering, he’d be there. The crowning glory. The only Time Lord left.

Maybe he’d get himself killed all over again.

After all, there were contingencies.

And watching the Doctor grieve (lose) was such fun.

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