
Further evidence to support Hermione Granger and Gwen Cooper working awesomely as second cousins – Eve Myles (Gwen Cooper) was born in 1978. Hermione was born in 1979. Being as they were both only children, I could see them totally glomming onto one another at family gatherings.

Imagine empathetic adolescent Gwen seeing something noticeably stressed and negative in Hermione’s demeanor only a few years after her acceptance into ‘that really exclusive private school’ that nobody will talk about. Trying to talk to Hermione about it, giving her a number and encouraging her to call if she needs anything. Hermione never sends her letters through the post; they always come via Gwen’s uncle Granger, and the envelopes look like something out of the twenties, sealed with actual wax, with tiny holes like clawmarks puncturing them. Hermione’s handwriting is like a dream, beautiful copperplate script that looks like it’s been written with a quill pen. On top of this, Hermione never ever phones during the school year. Though she does phone quite a lot during the summer, and occasionally on breaks.

There was that scary time in 1997 when nobody could seem to ring any of the Grangers. Except Geraldine, of course, who was at her wits’ end.

Imagine Gwen meeting Ron for the first time and realizing she and her cousin have the same taste in men.

Imagine Hermione and Gwen having their first girls’ night dinner out in years interrupted by aliens. Imagine Hermione saving their asses by unlocking a service door in an alley. Imagine the glasses of wine all ‘round later, while Hermione explains (anxious the whole time) about what she can do, and Gwen pretends she doesn’t have Retcon in her pocket and explains what That Dreadful Thing was and that she works for Torchwood.

Imagine Gwen being torn up with dual loyalties when she hears about Harry Potter and aurors and Voldemort and wizards and how trained owls were the ones delivering Hermione’s post for Gwen all those years ago. She wants to tell Jack because holy shit, but this is her cousin and she loves Hermione and it’s not any safer for her in Gwen’s world than it is in her own. Especially not if Jack Harkness got involved.

Hermione’s oldest daughter’s name is Rose (*puts on tinfoil hat*). Rose was probably born around 2006. This means that she was around three by Children of Earth, meaning Hermione would have had a child visibly affected by the 456.

Imagine Hermione calling Gwen, trying really really hard not to cry and mostly succeeding, saying she and Ron have tried every anti-jinx and anti-curse in the books, and they’ve called Harry (who’s got the same troubles) and they even tried calling some of their old school teachers for help but nobody can seem to do anything and so is it aliens?

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