no but
imagine charlie bradbury working for torchwood
charlie going ‘sorry dudes i don’t swing that way’ when jack and owen try to flirt with her
charlie constantly flirting with tosh and gwen to the point that tosh doesn’t even blush anymore and gwen just goes ‘what the hell’ and starts flirting back
charlie catching aliens and saving the world and finally feeling like real life is as exciting as fiction
charlie discussing porn with owen and old tv shows with jack
charlie teasing ianto about his relationship with jack for the lols
charlie and tosh having complicated conversations about computers that no one else understands
charlie complaining about why they only keep hot boys in the freezer
charlie quoting tv shows and books at the most inappropriate times when they are on a mission bc ‘she always wanted to say that’
charlie reminding gwen of that one time she got drunk and ended up making out with her every time she dares to say she doesn’t like girls
charlie convincing the rest of the team to go LARPing one day and they all complain at first but end up having a good time
charlie making the rest of the team watch her favorite movies so they can get her references