“Really, Gregory?” Mycroft looked at the controller in his lover’s hand.
“Yes, really. I have to be able to at least compete with my daughter a little bit when she comes for a visit.” Greg offered him the controller.
Rolling his eyes, Mycroft took it from him and perched on the edge of the couch. Greg smiled and started the game. Mycroft stayed silent as they began, watching the characters on the screen. Greg chuckled as he snuck around a corner and got his first kill.
Mycroft raised an eyebrow and his eyes narrowed in that way that would normally send people scurrying for cover. Greg’s tongue parked in the corner of his mouth as he edged around the respawn point.
Suddenly it was Greg’s character that was dead. He blinked and looked at Mycroft.
“That is the objective, isn’t it?” asked Mycroft blandly.
“You know it is you smug bastard,” growled Greg, watching his character respawn. He tried to move carefully, only to be killed again.
“Okay, that’s it, we’re going to go take out some out teenagers.” Greg cancelled the map.
“Remember, Gregory, it was your suggestion we play.” A smile danced across his lips.
“God save me from the competitivness of Holmeses.” Greg leaned in and kissed him.
Mycroft kissed him back. “I do believe you suggested obliterating the egos of young people?”
“I did indeed.” Greg grinned as he started it up again.