So I’ve been thinking about Sherlock & fandom & creators while watching a lot of HGTV (I’m an old fuddy duddy so I love me some HGTV) and I realized an analogy that works for me:
Imagine a show called Your Dream Show House with Steven & Mark where I am the homeowner and they swoop in to help me spend my insane budget on my dream.
I am happy to have Moffat & Gatiss be my architecture and design team. They pick out gorgeous stuff that I want. They show me pictures and I get all inspired. Their look book is fabulous and the blueprints make me ooh and ahh.
I do not want them as my general contractors. I’ve seen their work. When they start building, it doesn’t look like what the blueprints seemed to show. The designers get these odd ideas halfway through and they don’t match (a portcullis? What? On a craftsman bungalow? And woah, get the grass off the walls)
No, I want Fandom for my contractor. Fan artists and metawriters and gif makers and fic writers and headcanoneers. They make stiff I like! They adapt! They don’t give a fuck about being exciting and shocking for the sake of it or whatever. They create with love. They will put an octopus in my pool of I want it.
They will give me 2 bedrooms (will we be needing both?) or one bedroom or seventeen.They do fabulous work, fandom does./end HGTV analogy