
The Prez does it again! 

When Asked To Sort ‘Girls’ And ‘Boys’ Gifts, Obama Destroys Toy Gender Stereotypes (VIDEO)

“President and Michelle Obama were sorting toys into ‘girls’ and ‘boys’ bins for the Marine’s Toys for Tots program when the President tackled toy-gender stereotypes in true Obama fashion.

Between them, the pair delivered about 1,000 toys from the President’s staff to the U.S. Marine Corps’ Toys for Tots campaign, an annual holiday toy drive.

But then things got even more adorable. The President started putting the sports and the science toys into the ‘girls’ bin.  Placing a basketball into the bin, Obama says:

“I just wanna make sure some girls play some ball.”

A person from the crowd queries his decision to put legos in the girls, rather than the boys collection – because they might not like them.  The President responds:

“Girls don’t like toys?”

As he continues to sort, he comes across a T-Ball set.

“T-Ball? Girls like T-Ball” and nodding, puts the set in the girls’ bin.  The crowd is snapping photos, with some looking a little confused and he adds. “I’m just trying to break down these gender stereotypes.”

Read the full piece here

After eight years of “The Grinch Administration” aka Bush/Cheney, news like this just makes my heart grow three sizes bigger!

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