Allrighty, this is the fic I wrote today. Much much thanks to hums-happily annd beltainefaerie for letting me write at them and helping me through. This one is a giant bucket of angst, but a happy ending.
London Sonata – Relationships are like music. They have up and downs, passionate swells and quiet dips. And, sometimes, you find a perfect chord. But what happens when the melody is broken?
teaser below the cut
Movement 1: GRIEF
Greg held John’s hand as they stood by Sherlock’s grave. The omega sighed and dropped his ramrod straight posture to lean against him. Greg put an arm around him; there was hardly a reason to hide their relationship now. They had been three, now they were two.
“Would you bond me?” asked John quietly, eyes still on the implacable gravestone.
The silence stretched out as Greg rolled the thought over in his mind. They hadn’t bonded while Sherlock had been alive. An alpha and two omegas? Everything they’d ever heard said it was impossible, that bonding with a second omega would destroy the bond with the first. So they’d never tried it, simply enjoyed each others company, took care of each other in heat and out. But now…
“Yes, John, I will,” Greg kissed the top of his head. “Your next heat.”
John nodded and pulled away from him to touch the cold stone. Greg remembered when they’d invited him in, Sherlock laying out all the reasons it was logical for Greg to join them, John simply smiling and telling him they both wanted him. Head and heart. He’d kept a separate flat, kept up the illusion that he wasn’t involved; after all, everyone seemed to assume Sherlock and John were an omega couple. If anyone saw how protective Greg could be of them, well he was an alpha and a cop, it was to be expected. He was sure Sally suspected But with Sherlock gone, maybe it was better that Baker Street and all it’s memories be laid to rest.
Greg touched John’s arm as he turned back to him. “Move in with me?”
“Sure,” said John, without emotion.