



“Don’t worry Lily, you will be alright. I am watching over you. Don’t be an assbutt, get better soon, bye.

—-this is castiel. ”

My friend Lily (lilicha@tumblr) is a huge fan of Castiel. About 2 monthes ago she got the result that she had Acute Myelogenous Leukemia. It was such a huge shock for us because she’s so young and she’s such a sweet nice girl. She participated and draw the beautiful pictures for our Castiel calendar last year. We made good sale and she and the other participants donated all their got from it to the Random Acts. She’s now suffering from the the chemotherapy and waiting for the cord blood transplantation. Every day for her is hard and pain now.
When Misha knew Lily’s situation, he send her a voicemail to tell her that she would be alright. AND HE’S USING HIS CAS’S VOICE.That’s really comforting for her especially she got news from the doctors that she need to do few more rounds of the chemotherapy that morning. I can’t find words to decribe my feeling. I just want to say thank you to him, I feel really happy for this world that we have Misha Collins.

After the hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (the cells is from her mother which is half matching, but that’s the best we can get) in January, fortunately she was recovering very well. She left hospital early this week. The doctors said she would  still need drug treatment and do the inspections every week for a quite long time. But this is much much better than three monthes ago. Like Misha said, the angel is watching over her and she is getting better.  I always get cried when I’m listening to this voicemail. Thanks Misha, and thanks everyone who prayed or helped Lily. We really appreciate and feel grateful.

she is so exciting that she doesn’t have to be hospitalized now.

Before I forget everything I need to write this down. The world need to know what a great precious gift aka Misha Collins we’ve been given from God. (it’s 3am here so please forgive my spelling.)XD

2013 December, I post this voice mail on tumblr. 2014 December, a recovered Lily go to HollyCon and finally meet Misha.

On Tokyo panel, Misha picked me to ask the question, I told him I don’t have a question, I raised my hand is because we’ve bring Lily here. He recognized her name immediately and he invited Lily on the stage. We all got really emotional. Lily finally got the chance to said thank you to this angel.

Then on Sunday autograph session I gave him our charity Castiel Calendar he said that’s really great to see we are trying to help and make difference. I told him that Lily’s not able to book the autograph ticket because there’s too many people. And due to the doctor’s advice she’s still not allowed to do the long travel so she can’t go to the Osaka panel. He said he understand that she need more time to rest and take recover and wish she would be alright.

Till then I thought that would be a very good happy ending for our Japan HollyCon. But Misha is always such a precious man full of surprise. In Osaka autograph session when he finished my postcard I was ready to say goodbye but he asked me if I had bring any extra post cards.(of course I did) He picked one of it and write a card when he told me to tell Lily that he’s really happy to see her being health by his own eyes. then he asked me to bring the card to Lily.

Here’s a lovly photo op Lily had take with Misha in Tokyo.

Thank you Misha. For eveything you did for us. You care so much, that’s what makes you special.

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