But then there was this DVD. It was a video of Sherlock recording a message for my birthday dinner. A bunch of us went to this restaurant in Soho. It was great, actually. Everyone was there. Mike, Harry, Greg, Mrs Hudson, the usual suspects. Except Sherlock. He didn’t come because he was ‘busy’. He wasn’t busy, he just… sometimes he struggled to fit in. He couldn’t switch off, couldn’t relax. He just struggled with people, I think. Yet the video… it showed the other side to him. He was rude, yeah. Arrogant. Apparently lacking in anything resembling empathy. But I’d forgotten just how funny he could be. He was so charming. So… human. It’s bizarre because most people would say he was the most inhuman person they’d ever met. But he wasn’t. He was everything a good person should be.x