Tags: harry potter I just love Lockhart so much he’s the Zapp Brannigon of the wizard world genitalia mention death mention okay listen I have a lot of questions maybe you can help me so voldemort graduated from hogwarts in 1935 and that it also the year where he applied for the DADA teacher job Big D rejected him Voldemort jinxed the whole teacher job and since then no teacher had the job for more than 1 year after Voldemorts downfall in 1998 the jinx was broken which means that 63 teachers were teared out by that job like damn why didn’t they just changed the name of the subject or something they could have called it fighting against the dark arts is the bureaucracy in Hogwarts that difficult that you rather have 63 people killed I need answers (via @floccinaucinihilipiilificatonata