

I needed to test out my warm/cool grey markers to see if they still had enough ink in them to drag to a con this weekend and couldn’t decide between drawing cute hipster boys in sweaters or more Bucky so I just drew both. I wish I had the sewing skills to make myself a jacket like that.

He was into Steve Rogers before he got big.

It’s all right, he doesn’t expect any of you children to remember what Brooklyn was really like back in the day.

No, he’s not a Russian agent. The red star is meant to be ironic.

His boyfriend listens to big band on vinyl, okay.

Soviet slug, no rifling, completely untraceable. Because labels are for losers.

Bitch cracked my sunglasses? Oh, she is going down.

What, you haven’t already heard about the time he punched a member of Interpol in the face?

He was in that cryo tank before it was cool.

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