I like to look at the bookmarks people have made of my works – especially then notes they leave. Anyone can do this – just replace YOURNAME with your AO3 username in the following URLs (note that there are two things to replace per URL) and paste into your browser:
Note: Creators, please don’t feel bad if you do this and don’t get any results. Most AO3 fanworks have 0 or 1 bookmarks, and the rate of recs is far lower – even when bookmarkers leave kudos or comments, or leave a nice note in a bookmark, they often don’t click the rec box.
Warm fuzzies (recs with notes):
ao3.org/bookmarks/search?bookmark_search%5Bbookmarker%5D=-YOURNAME&bookmark_search%5Bquery%5D=YOURNAME&bookmark_search%5Brec%5D=1&bookmark_search%5Bsort_column%5D=created_at&bookmark_search%5Bwith_notes%5D=1All bookmarks with notes:
ao3.org/bookmarks/search?bookmark_search%5Bbookmarker%5D=-YOURNAME&bookmark_search%5Bquery%5D=YOURNAME&bookmark_search%5Bsort_column%5D=created_at&bookmark_search%5Bwith_notes%5D=1(Keep reading for more options, and to tell me whether I should build a bookmark viewer tool.)
This was amazingly useful – scroll down for more general bookmarks/recs!
Various folks (including the lovely Besina, above) have written to me with good suggestions for how an AO3 bookmarks tool should work… I’ll try to put together a webpage soon (or a browser extension, maybe) where you can view your bookmarks sorted by date or by work!
(I got distracted by writing a script that goes through your Gmail – if you have Gmail – and tallies all the kudos, comments, etc. notifications from AO3 and FFN so you can make a timeline graph. And/or so you can share your stats with me so I can make aggregate graphs of when people tend to get kudos. 🙂 )
OOOOH! This is cool. I totes need to try this. 😀
Oh god, this is the best ego boost. I’m going through and reading all the bookmarks with comments, and they’re so sweet and funny!