




Source: https://twitter.com/bigfinish/status/594928453507555328

About time. I’ve been obsessively checking the Big Finish website since I saw that leaked letter saying they’d picked up the TW rights. Now, we just need a date. 

So what’s happening? Is the show coming back? Are they making more radio plays? What?!

It’s been rumoured for ages, but it’s finally official, basically Big Finish have bought the rights and they’re doing more audios. Which are the same as the radio plays they’ve done before. From what I’ve heard, all 5 of them will be back, but we’ll see how they work it. They released a synopsis of the first one, which looks like just Jack, but they blanked out a lot of it. So they’re obviously hiding something. I guess we’ll have to wait until September when the first one comes out to know for sure. 

Here’s the big finish page about it

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