You know what sucks? The fact that the success of children’s movies is measured by the degree of adult willingness to spend money on them….not by the enjoyment that came from the actual audience: children.
Here’s to you:
Road to El Dorado
Treasure Planet
Prince of Egypt
Iron Giant
Emperor’s New Groove
I’ll never forget our adventures.
This is actually true parents are the ones who pay for their kids to go to movies, especially younger kids. And if you watch these movies now you’ll be like “HOLY CRAP WHY DIDNT I SEE THIS WHEN I WAS A KID?!” Because your parents. That’s why “Treasure Planet”, one of my favorite animated movies ever that took Disney 10 FRIGGING YEARS TO MAKE, was labeled as one of Disney’s largest losses because no one wanted to take their child to see a sci-fi movie that was completely different from the usually Princes classics that sold so much better.