So one day Jack shows up with two dogs, a gold lab and black lab puppy. And the gold lab loves teaching the puppy things and Jack loves watching them and then one day Castiel stops by and sees them and Jack sees him just sort of fold in on himself and he goes to him and takes him in his arms and asks what’s wrong. And Cas just watches these two dogs and goes “I miss my brother.”


Oh my god merindab that’s not even fair! *sobs*

But for reals I want Cas to have a dog someday. A border collie/husky mix or a retriever mix, something with perky soft ears and big blue eyes and a go-getter adventurous spirit that just hugs the whole world all the time. It loves Castiel so much it doesn’t mind being shunted around subspace as a being of pure energy and it hangs out his car window and it sleeps with its head on his lap and he talks to it and they just get on like a house on fire.

And of course it dies. It dies, like all of them die. But he keeps getting more, and more, and when each one passes away, he leads it to a certain door in Heaven, where the others are – where Sam is. And Sam ribs him about all these dogs and Cas is just like I can’t think of a better place for a dog’s soul than here with you.

I can’t decide if you made it better or worse…

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