I love imagining the classic Doctors partaking in modern phenomena, because there is honestly no reason beyond the metatextual ones why it couldn’t happen. The Doctor has been known to enjoy pop culture, and can time travel, so there’s no reason why you wouldn’t find Three taking selfies, Two playing video games, or Four enjoying godforsaken memes.
I’m sorry but Four is not only a memer but a hardcore shitposter, and Six is probably on reddit.
how dare you suggest that six would spend any time on reddit.
If the Sixth Doctor is not a redditor I will eat my foot. Don’t tell me he doesn’t spend all day on there looking at cat pics.
we have v. different definitions of “redditor”. he deffo doesn’t go aroudn talking about “narwhals baconing” or shit like that. he probably avoids the comments like a plague because he knows that if he sees ignorant comments he’ll spend all day correcting them.
See, I think that sometimes he’d go into the comments specifically because he wants the opportunity to graciously enlighten some benighted troglodyte on the error of their ways. Prime
targetsbeneficiaries of his wisdom would include MRAs, science denialists, and people who refuse to recognize the difference between “its” and “it’s.”i think pre-evelyn Six would deffo be a compulsive Internet Corrector. Post-Evelyn he’d have learned that the habit wasn’t good for him.