There is a big new announcement. There is a huge new announcement. There is a terrifyingly large new announcement.
Marvel has posted a new teaser video. It appears to be 1:36 of static and incoherent screaming. It already has over a thousand comments.
Sebastian Stan has extended his contract. It extends to death. It does not specify whose.
Six new Chrises have announced starring roles in upcoming pictures. There is a rumor swirling around that soon they will have enough. Enough for what, no one is sure.
Everyone is smiling extra brightly for the press tour. They seem to be blinking an awful lot. You think it looks like Morse Code, but that cannot be right. Why would they be asking for help?
There is finally more Black Widow merchandise. The merchandise consists soley of boxes filled with spiders.
Joss Whedon is discovered wandering the backlot, clutching a bloody knife. “I just need people to realize that no character is safe,” he insists.
Chris Evans hasn’t been seen in months, yet new gifsets of him keep appearing. They are all posted from the same account, which has no other activity.
There have been even more delays surrounding Ant-Man. Something does not want the film to be seen.
RDJ’s clothes all seem to be coming from some parallel universe, even more so than usual. Your favorite is the tuxedo with Lisa Frank lapels and an unsettling usage of paisley.