sometimes i wonder if we will ever get another spn episode as willing to tilt our audience perspectives, as the man who would be king. we are so used to seeing the world through the filter of the winchesters. even when we question their individual choices- did that one have to die, did that one- and sometimes their human-centric worldview, it’s rare that the show makes an explicit point of pulling the curtain aside to say, but what about this. what about all this, all that exists outside and beyond the winchesters, and was there before, and may be there after.
i understand that for dean and sam, cas is a guy. a good guy who has made tough choices and mistakes, but still keeps on fightin’ the fight. that is understandable, kind of. (at this point, you could argue that the writers should have far expanded dean and sam’s consciousness- for a show that deals with actual gods and demons, there’s very little metaphysics, as if they believe we, or the winchesters, just couldn’t handle it. they still respond to the supernatural in essentially the same way they did a decade ago, when they were still barely adults who had never yet met an angel, a goddess, a gentle vampire.) but castiel is not a guy. or not just a guy. he is a person, certainly. but he is also an immortal wave of light. castiel is essentially an alien, but everyone expects him to act like a human, to think like a human, to value what humans value, to make the choice a human would. sure, he’s been human, briefly, but becoming human is a very different journey than being human.
i don’t know what exactly i want for castiel- happiness on earth, happiness in heaven, happiness in between, love, friendship, humanity, divinity- i’m not sure, i change my mind all the time. but i know i want him to choose for himself. and no more choices presented as ultimatums- us or them. human or inhuman, other. i want a world where he can be as much, or as little, as he wants to be. a world where he’s valued for all that he is, in all his difference.