Jealous John outed by wallpaper
We all know that the scene in HLV where John displays his totally platonic happiness for his bro Sherl hooking up with hot babe from his wedding is 1000% more green than it has any right to be.
But really though, this is Jealous John at its finest. The color metaphor is painfully obvious. Green with envy. The already green things in the flat seem to stand out even more, while some things that aren’t green at all appear to be.
The door appears yellow-green and the wallpaper is green. Acid green.
Here again, you can see the wallpaper is green.
The thing is, though, is that it’s not green at all. It’s blue.
At Sherlocked Con this weekend I went over to Arwel’s tabel to check out the wallpaper, and they had some squares of it. It is really very blue. In this gif when he says “Higgins?” you can see the wallpaper and how blue it is.
They would have to VERY intentionally make it green. I asked one of the guys there where in the flat it was used, and he said in the hallway by the bathroom. I pointed out this scene in HLV, and he said that was the decision of the lighting director. As we know, everything in this show is deliberate. The amount of work that has to go into an incredibly short amount of time means that every decision has to count. They wouldn’t go through the trouble of bathing that hallway in yellow light for nothing. In short, Jealous John is canon and they want us all to know that.
“Why should I trust you?”
“You wouldn’t be able to deal with OUR weather”
Son I am from the MIDWEST it is 120 in the summer and -30 in the Winter get on my LEVEL
I’m fairly certain the entire midwest is just a massive corn-pollen hallucination though
Son I am from the Midwest and I’m fairly certain you are correct.
please save us
My Life ⏰ (W/ Ally Gursky)
I cannot relate to this more if I tried