

Imagine if a Lush store flooded

Story time: I’ve been working at Lush for two years. In my first week the manager left me in the store alone while she went to get office stuff. A customer came in and I got chatting to her, and discovered that she had never used a bath bomb before. Now, sometimes we get a box of bath bombs in, and one or two might be a bit chipped, and of course we won’t sell them if they’re not perfect so we keep them in a special drawer and use them to show customers how bath bombs work. So I thought, BRILLIANT. IM GONNA SHOW THIS LADY A BATH BOMB AND ITS GONNA BLOW HER FREAKING MIND. Over enthusiastic newbie that I was, I ran over to this draw and yanked it out. This drawer was in a small table with a demo bowl full of water on the top and the drawer was super full – the table overbalanced and the bowl of water fell off the top and into this drawer full of fucking bath bombs.

YOU GUYS. IT WAS RAINBOW FOAM CHAOS. The manager came back and me and this customer were trying desperately to control this glittery insanity with paper towels and IT JUST. KEPT. FROTHING. And the manager just!!!! Stood there. And laughed!!!!!!!!!! IT TOOK FIFTEEN MINUTES AND ALL OUR COMBINED EFFORTS TO DEAL WITH THE RIDICULOUSNESS CAUSED BY A SINGLE OVERTURNED BOWL OF WATER.

Long story short lush bath bombs do not fuck around.

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