Or: Doctor Who & Sherlock parallels in The Witch’s Familiar
- Moriarty: “Daddy’s had enough now!” Missy: “Mummy’s talking.”
- The Doctor drinking tea in front of the Daleks like Sherlock versus Moriarty in The Reichenbach Fall.
- Missy to Clara: “Oh, poppet. Do you really think you could?” Parallels John being made Jim’s mouthpiece/puppet in TGG (’gottle o’ geer) & Magnussen’s ‘poppet’ threat to Mary in TS03. Also: please imagine how amazing this dialogue would be if it’s what Moriarty says to John before John kills him, perhaps!
- “Because if Clara Oswald really is dead, you’d better be very, very careful how you tell me!” A.k.a Sherlock’s rage in a (future?) Three Garridebs situation.
- “He’ll burn everything. Us too.” Hello, fire=passion. “Burn the heart out of you.” etc etc
- “Compassion, then?” “Always”- Just replace this with ‘caring’ and BOOM, this is what Sherlock will choose.
“Don’t get emotional, emotion fires the gun.” A.k.a “Love is a much more vicious motivator.” John shoots Jeff Hope to save Sherlock; Sherlock shoots Magnussen to save John; Mary shoots Sherlock out of possessive love for John.
- “As always, your compassion is your downfall.” A.k.a “Caring is not an advantage.”
Feel free to reblog and add any more you think I’ve missed!
Also, the opening scene when Missy was talking Clara through how the Doctor survived seemed very in the style of Sherlock’s ‘13 scenarios’ at St Barts Roof in TEH…
pretty sure the Doctor mentioned ”putting a hand on my/your knee” during his conversation with Davros
Oh yes- thank you, how dare I forget that!
“If you put your hand on my knee it won’t go well” But yeah I noticed that too. Damnit moffat.