Please don’t delete the source. This infographic is obviously not mine, but since I have never seen it on Tumblr, I thought I should share with you guys. For girls around the world.
Important. Just because you are female doesn’t mean you’re not good enough. One of my friends at uni is female and she got the best marks in first year and then the best marks in second year out of my entire course. Have confidence in your ability! And don’t let the guys put you off.
Also one of my friends (a guy) once told me I only do better in exams because I revise better. Kinda an insult to talent even if true. So yeah, have faith in your ability girls!
(And guys don’t always have the best confidence in themselves, so you guys have faith in your ability too!)
I read this article that recognized how women and minorities tend to have worse scores on tests because they feel this pressure to “represent”. And when test-givers actually took a moment to announce to the room “hey don’t feel pressured because society has given undue favor to white males, its not your fault and it doesn’t reflect anything bad on you personally” and test scores of women and minorities were shown to improve impressively.