all together now:



Sequels, prequels, remakes, adaptations, and re-imaginings of books, short stories, movies, or TV shows written by someone other than the original author 


f a n f i c t i o n .

Their fanfiction is not more valid than my fanfiction just because their fanfiction costs money to consume and mine is free. Their fanfiction is not more valid than my fanfiction because they made theirs with a studio or publishing house and I made mine with a shit laptop on my sofa in my spare time. Their fanfiction is not more valid than my fanfiction because they are men, or because they are wealthy, or because they are famous, or because they are educated. My fanfiction is valid. Their fanfiction is valid.

The only difference is that theirs comes with a paycheck, and paycheck does. not. validate someone’s fanfiction over someone else’s when neither of them are the original creator. that’s the beauty of fanfiction. we’re all just nerds. some of us are just well-funded nerds.

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