A non-shipper’s look at why the Doctor went so far to save Clara


Right off the bat, I’m a balls-to-the-wall Doctor/River shipper. I don’t ship the Doctor and Clara in a romantic way and never will.

That being said, the Doctor loves Clara and to the point where he would do anything to save her. It’s the culmination of all the bitter, tragic losses the Doctor has endured since the Time War. It’s his personal “no more.” No more exile to another planet. No more forcefully wiping her memory against her will (though yes, he did plan to wipe her memory but he acknowledges Clara’s agency. He did learn something from Donna.) No more getting trapped in time. No more wiring herself to a chair and electrocuting herself. He is going to rescue Clara and send her back to a normal life because he loves her, just like he loved all his companions.

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