


She’d loved him if he weren’t the Doctor

#i sort of really love this aspect of the episode #because it’s quite interesting when you think about it #like 12 was supposed to be the greatest surgeon in the galaxy #but within seconds river would’ve known that obviously wasn’t the case #she could’ve gouged his organs out like she’d threatened for nearly ruining her plan #she could’ve left with the head without him #i mean#after the head was removed #she didn’t really need him anymore #but she let him tag along #river song #wanted criminal#archaeologist #who can totally take care of herself #and probably would’ve done a better job without eyebrows tagging along #keeps him a part of the mission #and then they find themselves laying in the snow together #with him giggling like a little boy #and smiling at her with such adoration and affection and happiness #that she–the mighty river song–can’t help but join in the giggle fest #she probably hasn’t laughed like that in ages #and all it takes is this strange #slightly grumpy#slightly endearing old man to soften her #he’s not conventionally handsome or hot like ramone #but there’s something about him that she’s drawn to #that she connects with #so instead of getting rid of him #she takes him as her companion #she finds that he’s actually quite clever (for a man) (via cmartlover)

That’s the way it is for these two. They fall in love with each other BEFORE they even knew who the other really is. 10 basically fell for River; 11 did too even if he didn’t want to. And River here, she sees something in this man… they just click. 

These two are goddamn soul mates who always find their way back to each other and its beautiful 

Reblogging this again because it only got better.

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