One of the most important lines in The Force Awakens comes from Kylo Ren: “It’s just us, now.”
In a lot of ways, the movie is about that one line. Passing the torch to these three characters. In the future, they’ll be the ones telling this story. It’s just them, now. The three of them. And even before this point, the story ties them together:
- Each is introduced with their face covered–linking them visually from the start.
- Each was separated from their parents. They all lost something they can’t get back, by being alone in formative moments.
- Each feels a deep-seated “call to the light”. Rey saves BB-8 simply because it’s the right thing to do. No one taught her to do this, she just does it. She knows how inherently. Finn, too, chooses to save Poe because he inherently knows right from wrong. Kylo struggles to express the same knowlege, in front of Vader’s mask–he knows what’s right, feels that call. He doesn’t want to listen, but he knows in his heart what he should do.
Each needs to decide for themselves who they want to be. No one can tell them what to choose–they choose for themselves. Their decisions shape the direction of this story.
As Kylo, Finn, and Rey stand together in the forest, Star Wars has changed forever. Han Solo is gone–and these three new characters have taken their places in a new story.
They’ve picked out roles for themselves–Finn chooses to go back and fight for Rey. He’s become a hero. Rey chooses to explore the force. She’s become a Jedi. Kylo Ren runs from the “call to the light.” He tries to become a monster. Whether or not he’s succeeded–well, that remains to be seen.
“It’s just us, now,” Kylo says. And in so many ways, he’s right. It’s their story. And we’re waiting for them to tell it.
Gatiss: Okay guys, this special is complicated but we’ve all got our challenges as actors.
Gatiss: Ben, you’ll be playing a more traditional Holmes as Sherlock imagines himself in his mind palace, only like 250% more gay despite being Victorian times, and although you aren’t in every scene you do know everything that happens in every scene because it’s all in your head so bear that in mind, also your brain is repressing key information from you so we’ll have to show that both textually and subtextually now and then through your facial expressions and reactions, I know you can handle it.
Gatiss: Martin, you’ll be playing four John Watsons: the traditional misogynist crotchety Victorian one (also closeted, but like, MORE), the modern one you normally play, the modern one in Sherlock’s mind so like you have to play it as he sees you, not as you actually are, so like keep the eye fucking but remember it’s not because YOU want to do it, it’s because SHERLOCK wants you to do it? And also there’s the Victorian one but who is aware that he’s just a device in Sherlock’s brain, yeah I know it sounds fucked up but I saw Fargo, I know you got this.
Gatiss: Andrew, I mean, I know we’ve already pushed you to make every cameo more gay, but like, this time we need you to be a Str8Up Porn Star, like the suggestive lines about guns aren’t enough, we kind of need you to suck on one? Other than that it’s pretty much how you usually play Jim, but again, just reeeeeally up the homo because heh we’re in Sherlock’s head, so, you know, super rainbow sparkle time up in there…also please see the wardrobe department, they need your cup size.
Gatiss: Amanda, so modern Mary is the same whether we’re talking about the real version or the one in Sherlock’s mind because he still doesn’t know who she really is, but Victorian Mary is a bit trickier, see, Sherlock still doesn’t know your backstory so he’s guessing at what’s going on with you and how you’re feeling, so you can’t quite act from a place of “what would Mary do/say,” it’s more like “what would Sherlock think Mary would do/say when really he hasn’t got a fucking clue,” hahaha good luck with that, you can do it, oh also up the snark please, we love the snark.
Gatiss: I will be wearing a fat suit.
Incestual Realization Of Han Solo
literally crying with laughter.
This was at least twice as funny as I thought it was going to be.
Millennial Job Search Gothic
- you have an interview next week. you always have an interview next week. The managers who interview you all seem to share the same pleasant, blank face. They promise to call you back in a few days. They never do.
- they say the minimum wage is going up soon.
- you must have two years of experience. you must have five years of experience. you must have ten years of experience. experience in what, exactly? the job requirements bleed into an ancient latin text as you attempt to decipher them.
- the people in the photos in the craigslist ads smile eerily at you. their eyes seem to follow you around the room even after you click away from the job posting.
- do not apply in person, the posting says. do not send in your resume. do not apply. we’ve lost too many employees to the creature as is.
- you plan on leaving your job soon. you’ve been planning on leaving your job soon for months. you keep making excuses as to why you haven’t left your job yet, but you know deep down that even if you put in your two weeks tomorrow, you wouldn’t leave the company as the same person you were when you applied. if they let you leave alive at all.
- you seem to see “help wanted” signs everywhere. when you enter and inquire about them, the employees wave you away. you hear their cries for help again as you leave.
- you are more than qualified for the job that you are applying to. you are over-qualified for the job you are applying to.
- you do not get the job.
Oh god.