I very pointedly didn’t tell Alexia what we were waiting in line for today. She didn’t know until the second she sawhim standing there, and immediately she went from groaning about wanting to run and play to this wide-eyed stare.
“Mommy…we get to say /hi/ to him?”
It was great. She was all but dragging my arm off after that, and the second Misha laid eyes on her his eyes all but popped out of his head.
The photo ops move so fast. I saw person after person get in and out in about five seconds flat, and I was kind of worried she’d pitch a fit about leaving so quick; he ended up spending a good minute or so playing with her and freaking out about how cute she was!
“Can I pick you up–hey mom, is it okay if I pick her up for this?! She’s so cute–I’d love to hold her for the picture!”
Who would say no, right?
She started to mess with his hair and he just laughed and laughed, then when it was about to be time for the photo she got shy about the camera guy and hid her face in Misha’s shoulder. So HE came over with his camera to introduce himself and to ask if she’d help him out by pressing the button for his flash. It was seriously so cute, I loved how great they were to her!
Once we got the picture Misha tickled her right quick, gave her a hug, ans then gave me a quick hug while letting me know she was the cutest Cas he’d ever seen, and then Alexia proceeded to run around the free space in the room giggling wildly and saying we shouldn’t leave because ‘he wants to play with me!’
Many a loud ‘awww’ was had by the fans in the line during all of this, of course.Eventually I lured her away with the bribe offering of pizza.
this is so wonderfully adorable omg <3
You should go check out the op we had with J2 for Valentine’s Day! 😂