





wake up america

this is to educate my non-American followers. This really is how the US sees itself. (and yes, 95% of the time, Florida = WHAT?!)

In Florida the more North you go, the more “South” you get 

In Florida the central part pretends to be the south, the western part pretends to be the northeast and the south pretends to be the west I’m not even kidding you 

… Please tell me you guys are kidding.  

Florida is like it’s own country I swear

Technically east Texas is South and West Texas is West.

Not even making that up. There are maps from the mid to late 1800s divided that way, and honestly they are right. No clue why we stopped doing that.

Oh and El Paso is appearently Mexico. I just learned we have a security checkpoint as you leave El Paso to enter the rest of Texas even though ya k ow El Paso is in Texas….

As someone who lives in Texas I can confirm this

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