In case you didn’t know, I hit 100 followers yesterday


So I’ve been a microscopic blog for ages, but this past two months have been a riot. I’ve gone from microscopic to smol and while I still remain smol, this is a big landmark for me.

So I’m going to take some time to thank a few mutuals (I will try my best to remember everyone, but if I accidentally miss you, I’m incredibly sorry!)

Firstly, I want to give a shout out to @youresostrongandquiet for being my first fandom friend on here! We don’t always talk much, I know, but you helped lure me out of my shell and talking to you has always been a treat!

I know I’ve said this before, but I want to say it again: @perverselyvex and @itsnotgonnareaditselfpeople that your fics helped draw me into contributing to the fandom to begin with, so I am grateful to you immensely.

Then of course, I have to mention @vanetti. I can’t exactly remember when you started to follow me, but I think it had to do with a Jolto post that I contributed to. I wouldn’t have started to warp the innocently pure Jolto ship and dove into the Joltolock trash bucket without you. You are also the reason I’m writing Gilmorelock. I owe a lot to you, honestly.

That being said, I have to, naturally, thank my Joltolock Armada, that has been growing slowly over the past month or so. I will try my best to remember everyone:

@beejohnlocked @stravaganza @snogbox1 @platinumkoi – you guys were the original Joltolock crew. You’ve been wonderfully supportive and great sounding boards (you all can thank @beejohnlocked for Two Soldier Boyfriends, since that all started with her prompt). Thank you so much for spreading around Joltolock and just being genuinely awesome and incredibly talented people.

And to the newer members of the crew – @mademoisellesherlockholmes, @scarves-and-jumpers, @daringlydomestic, @mychurchkey, @consultingpurplepants, @thescienceoftrash – I don’t know if all of you necessarily ship Joltolock, but you are here. You support me. Welcome to the Trashcan!

Thank you @merindab for thinking of me when you wrote your first Joltolock! It was a fantastic contribution to the fandom!

Thanks to @havetardiswilltimetravel and @tinkertortillion for helping me flesh out a painful Three Garridebs headcanon. It was fantastic fun! 😉

@constantlyfreemaned – you’re a Martin blog and that’s enough for me to thank you.

And lastly, @sherrllocked, thank you so much for that surprise promotion post yesterday, I definitely wasn’t expecting that! And of course, @to-johnlock-hell-in-a-handbasket, you were lucky 100! I hope you stick around!

To the rest of you: You’re absolutely lovely! Honestly! What made you decide to stumble onto my garbage and decide to stay, I do not know, but I’m so glad you are here!

All in all, stay tuned! I’ve got a lot to share!

And just remember!

Add a bit of -lock to your Jolto for flavor!

You’re welcome! Probably won’t be the only joltolock i ever write, but I’m glad you liked it.

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