So girls can’t look even a little bit pretty, even though it’s expected, because oh no boys will get a boner. What a sad world…
How about we step back a bit and cast the spotlight on headteacher Dr Clive Gland for sexualising a 13 year old girl.
This is attacking a disabled girl for being disabled. This is also parents being told to pony up hundreds of dollars for new glasses they don’t need because her current pair work and are entirely fine.
He is literally sexualising a 13 year old girl and throwing if you get assaulted its your fault because of what you are wearing. Dr Gland is a really appropriate name for such an engorged dick.
This has got to be a fucking joke
What the fuck.
I’m impressed by his ability to maintain a career in education with no trace of a functioning brain.
guys, go to the site, it’s satire (in their about):
Southend News Network was originally started in October 2015 with no real aims or objectives in mind other than to add a satirical/spoof-like touch to issues that people are passionate about in Southend On Sea. Above all else, SNN is all about having the occasional ‘dig’ at the powers that be, as well a slightly bigger and more frequent ‘dig’ at certain elements of local media!