

I’ve been thinking, if house points are mostly awarded for scholary achivements, then how come we have never seen the house full of smarts, ravenclaw ever win the house cup? by all means, they should be trouncing the others. 

my theory is that ravenclaw outdoes all the other houses both in gaining, and in losing points. they rack up all the possible points for classwork, assignments AND extra school work. But they also lose a buttload in their other pursuits of knowledge:
– not returning books on time
– staying in the library after hours
– sneaking in the restricted section
– setting up secret potion labs for RESEARCH purposes
– throwing things off the tower FOR RESEARCH
– throwing things into the lake FOR RESEARCH
– taking small field trips into the forbidden forest to get samples and take notes on the wildlife

illegally tampering with muggle stuff FOR RESEARCH
– “borrowing” school equipment and ingredients for said research
– that pet kidnaping incident they never talk about that was sparked by a conversation about muggle schools “wait, you dissect frogs in class? WE SHOULD TOTALLY DO THAT TOO”
– combining random spells and testing them on the student body
– using said student body to test the secret potion lab’s latest creations
– referring to non-ravenclaw students as test subjects in the vicinity of disapproving teachers

what I’m saying is that while the other houses may preceive ravenclaw as a group of quiet bookworms, they are actually more troublesome than the other three combined. FOR RESEARCH.


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